My Time Saves Your Money!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

8 Reasons to Blog

You can blog--it's not hard.

1. You have something to say: If you’re someone who likes to discuss the issues, blogs can help others see your point of view. As you build up your community, discussions among like-minded bloggers and blog readers will ensue.

2. You’re an expert in something: Are you a champion bowler? Do you produce a line of specialty soaps? Do you know everything there is to know about Samurai Swords? Start a blog to offer tips and advice to others.

3. You have a business to promote: Blogging not only helps to keep customers updated, but it can also lead to new clients. A business blog allows you to promote your wares, offer updates on existing products, and provide alerts to future products and promotions. You will also be able to receive feedback on your products and services through your blog’s comment section.

4. It’s easy: There's never been a better time to blog than now! Most blog templates are user friendly and available at no cost to you. All it takes is registering and following a few simple instructions. Even those with little or no technical skills can blog.

5. Stay in touch: Family blogs are a great way to keep in touch. Not only can you publish family newsletters through your blog, but everyone can keep in touch via the comments.

6. You can make a difference: When you publish your blog, you have the ability to reach people. At first traffic might be low, but if your topic catches on, you have the potential to reach thousands, even millions of people. Your blog can become a powerful medium.

7. It’s a wonderful way to express your creativity: Whether you’re a poet, an artist, a comedian, or write short stories, you’ll have an outlet through blogging. In fact, blogs make it easier to reach more people. Besides, you never know when the right person might land on your blog and turn it from a hobby into a career.

8. It’s easy: There’s never been a better time to blog than now! Most blog templates are user friendly and available at no cost to you. All it takes is registering and following a few simple instructions. Even those with little or no technical skills can blog.

There’s still time to register for the blogging class offered by Central community College! It will be an evening class on May 24. Call Judy at 308-398-7445 to sign up.

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