My Time Saves Your Money!

Monday, May 17, 2010

My Many Hats

What a perfect day to start a new blog! May 17! May is my favorite month: everything has turned green and the overly hot days of summer have not arrived yet. And, 17 is my favorite number: When I was 17 (many, many years ago!) I decided it was the perfect age, and I have stuck with that number ever since.

Let me introduce myself: My name is Rae Osenbaugh. I live in Nebraska, right in the middle of the country, but with the wonder of the internet, I have friends all over!

I have worn many hats so far in my life: student, teacher, writer, editor, wife, mother, cook, personal driver, genealogist, computer guru, and now blogger. Some of these hats have overlapped, some are from more than one part of my life—and they all have been an influence in forming my own world. Please stop back here to visit—I promise to entertain you with motivation, stories, ideas, and conversations!

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